
We started activities like a small dojo (Kihon Dojo) under Yamada Sensei guidance. Organically we have been adding schools and practitioners in Mexico and we have accompanied the growth of some dojos outside the country’s borders, founded by students of the kihon dojo, as well as others by recommendation of Yamada Sensei himself.
We are seeking to spread Aikido, as well as establish ties of friendship between people who practice our art.

Each person has different limits, but the potential for unlimited resources lies within each person. The objectives of Aikido are there regardless of our individual characteristics. Become into integrated and balanced beings, as well as explore all our human potential.YOSHIMITSU YAMADAIn memoriam

Yoshimitsu Yamada Sensei was a direct student of the founder
of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba – O’sensei, founder of the
New York Aikikai, the United States Aikido Federation
and Aikido Sansuikai.

Aikido Sansuikai México

It seeks to promote friendship among its members and spread the practice and teaching of Aikido, all under the regulations of the Aikikai and preserving the spirit of the late creator, Morihei Ueshiba, O’Sensei.

We are an organization of people and dojos united by the practice and development of art. We promote the exchange of experiences and ideas through training and event organization. We keep an open mind, welcoming those interested in sharing and developing our martial art.

In keeping with the same spirit of Aikido and the teachings of Yamada Sensei, we do not seek to limit styles, but instead strive to understand different perspectives and come together by building strong relationships. We do not influence the operation and specific events within the dojos that are part of our community; On the contrary, we seek to support and encourage individual and collective growth and development.

As we have done since our birth, we will continue to cultivate harmony with other organizations, to promote the growth and development of the art, while supporting the ideal of the Founder. We promote attendance at different events and the generation of training and friendship exchanges. We encourage our members to follow whatever path appeals to them in developing their own Aikido.

At this moment and after several years of maintaining our connection with the Aikikai Foundation through Yamada Sensei, we are entering a new stage in which we maintain direct contact with the Aikikai Foundation. We value and will strengthen the relationships we have built over the previous years primarily with the USAF and Sansuikai, striving even more, from now on, to support the Aikido World Headquarters (Hombu Dojo) as best as possible.

We have received direct influence from other students of the Founder of Aikido such as T.K. Chiba Sensei, N. Tamura Sensei, M. Kanai Sensei, and S. Sugano Sensei. Some of the organization’s Sensei were Deshi or received teachings from them.

SAN – 山: Mountain. SUI – 水: Water. KAI – 会: Association: aims to promote an Aikido that is strong as a mountain and fluid as water.